I am pleased to announce the enrollment of Bridget Blair and John Ryan in the Dominion of British West Florida's Chivalric Honours system as Members of the Order of Saint Barnabas.
The Dominion o f Biritish West Florida honours system, like all Commonwealth honours systems rewards people for merit, service, or bravery.
An honour, decoration or medal is a public way of illustrating that the recipient has done something worthy of recognition.
As the 'fountain of honour' in the Dominion of British West Florida, The Queen has the sole right of conferring all titles of honour, including peerages, life peerages, knighthoods and gallantry awards.
Within the Dominion of British West Florida, the Highest Honours for Bravery are the Heroes' Medals awarded in the Justice, Liberty, and Charity divisions for those who have given their lives in the performance of their Duty.
The Order of the Saint Barnabas represents the highest honour for Merit and Service in the Dominion of British West Florida. The Order honours men and women who have contributed in a particular way to national life.
St. Barnabas, the "Son of Encouragement" is the namesake and Patron Saint of the Order of Honour in the Dominion of British West Florida. We first meet Saint Barnabas in chapter 4 of the New Testament's Acts of the Apostles and then repeatedly in later chapters, as the story of these acts unfolds. He was a Jewish Levite (assistant to the priests) of Cyprus and became one of the earliest Christian disciples at Jerusalem. His original name was Joseph, but he was renamed Barnabas by the Apostles because Luke interpreted the word Barnabas as 'son of encouragement'. One of the first recorded acts of St. Barnabas was to sell some of his property, and use the proceeds to provide support for the Church.
Thus we see that Barnabas was an encouragement in deeds as well as in words. Those appointed to the Order of Saint Barnabas also display this encouragement in both deeds and words.
Anybody can make a recommendation for a worthy person to receive an honour.
The aim is to ensure that the large numbers of people not in the public eye who give valuable service are recognised.
They could be charity volunteers, members of the emergency services or Armed Forces, industrial pioneers or specialists in various professions.
# The Order of Saint Barnabas has the following levels: Sovereign: Her Majesty Elizabeth II
# Grand Commander: His Grace, Robert Duke of Florida
# Knight Commander: Those who have earned the Dominion's highest recognition.
# Knight: Those whose encouragement and support of the Dominion is worthy of special recognition.
# Member: Persons whose encouragement of the Dominion of British West Florida are worthy of official recognition.
The Sovereign needs no post nominal letters, the Grand Commander of the order of Saint Barnabas is entitled to the post nominal GSB. The Knight Commanders in the Order use the post nominal CSB, Knights of Saint Barnabas use KSB, and Members in ordinary use OSB.
These new members, are entitled to the post nominal letters OSB.
Links to the Letters Patent (pdf format) are provided below:
Bridget Blair
John Ryan
Robert, Duke of Florida, Lord of St. George, GSB
Her Majesty's Governor-General in and for the
Dominion of British West Florida.
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