- Virtual Pensacola
Full Text of the Governor-General's Throne Talk upon the Re-opening of Parliament
My Lords and Ladies, Peers of the Realms, Members of the House of Commons, Fellow Subjects, and Honoured Guests, I welcome you to the Reconvening of Parliament in and for the Dominion of British West Florida.
As the representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God Queen of the Dominion
of British West Florida and Her Other Realms, Defender of the Faith, I am honoured to welcome the members of the Houses of Lords and Commons back to the Houses of Parliament in Virtual Pensacola.
We must continue to come together, under God and the Crown, to offer leadership and hope to the People of the former colony of British West Florida.
The fabric of our society is the traditional family, where children are reared by loving parents in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This fabric has been strained by the rapid rise in unwed mothers, fathers who are absent physically or emotionally, and the decline in attention to the Laws of God.
We must take action to repair and strengthen this fabric. We must remind our young people that true love waits. We must encourage the presence, physical and emotional, of both parents in all of our children's lives. We must restore the Christian Faith and its supports, including the Scriptures as foundational in our society.
My Lords and Ladies, Peers of the Realms, Members of the House of Commons,
I will propose legislation to recognize those young people who take the abstinence until marriage pledge, and reward those young couples that that marry before they begin their own families.
I will propose legislation that encourages young fathers to spend time with their children, and provides support for them to do so.
I remind you that I will consider all Acts of Parliament in light of the Scriptures and my Oath before granting Assent.
My Lords and Ladies, Peers of the Realms, Members of the House of Commons, It will be remain beholding duty to prayerfully and wisely consider these bills, and such others as may be presented to you for the governance of this Dominion. Our Traditional Government has always depended on the tripod of Crown, Lords and Commons. In these times, each support must actively carry its share of the burden.
My Lords and Ladies, it remains your duty to provide for the care and governance of those entrusted to you to the best of your ability and to advise the Crown on any matters properly brought to your attention.
Peers of the Realms, I shall look to you for advise, private council, and public support of Our government.
Members of the House of Commons, it remains your duty to represent to the Crown the concerns of your standings, and to advise the Crown on any matters brought before you as representatives of the People.
May God, who grants wisdom to all who ask, richly pour out His blessings on this Parliament, and on the Dominion of British West Florida
God Save this Dominion of British West Florida.
God Save Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Robert, Duke of Florida, Lord of St. George, GSB
Her Majesty's Governor-General in and for the
Dominion of British West Florida.