After a formal request had been submitted by the Imperial Government, to the Captain of the Ship, limited special permission and authorization from the Captain of the I.S.S. Conquest* { Imperial Sea Ship Conquest } was granted to the Imperial Government; to allow for the presentation of the Official State Flags of the three micronations of Independent Long Island,
the Imperium of DeWaCo Estates, and the Dominion of British West Florida, at the top level of the Ship's Atrium located on Deck Eleven.
A heavy duty clear adhesive tape was eventually located, thereby allowing the three micronation's Cloths & Colors to be secured to the railing; were the three flags were Shown / Flown for a period of over one hour.
The Lord Imperator, along with several other Officials and Officers of the Imperial Government, answered questions presented by guest who were interested in the LifeStyle / Hobby / Dream of the Micronational Movement.
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