Friday, May 16, 2008

Imperium Reauthorizes Strategic Fuel Reserves

The Imperial Government of the Impeium of DeWaCo Estates has finalized, via phone conversation with a major US propane distributor, a new 2008-2009 Pre-Season Propane $avings Program;
which is offered to the propane distributor's customers during the pre-winter season, thereby locking in fixed propane prices for the upcoming winter season.

Several of the Imperial City's buildings are heated with propane, and as the price of propane rises consistently with the rise of oil, the Imperial Government decided once again to enter into agreement with the US propane distributor.

The Imperial Government is also keeping it's farm equipment fuel tanks at a minimum of no less than 75% full at any given time; whereas in the past, attention was not directed in re-ordering farm fuels until the tanks were either at, or else below the 40-to-50% level capacity.

The new Strategic Fuels Reserve / SFR will be under the direct authority, responsibility, and supervision of the Imperial Government's Minister of the Ministry Of Communication-Transportation Affairs / M.O.C.T.A.; and has been designated as the:

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