-- Imperium News Service
The Lord Imperator and one other Official of the Imperial Government will meet once again with the three Leaders of the "Parkistan Provisional Leadership Council" this coming weekend; once again at their Capital City of Moscow Mills [ Missouri, USA ], as they have been unable to schedule a time of convenience for all three to accept my previous invitation to pay an Official
State Visit to the Imperium of DeWaCo Estates.
All three of the Leaders have a collective an equal stake in the negotiations between their Government of Parkistan and that of the Imperial Commonwealth; and as they were unable to come to us, we have taken the necessary steps to go to them once again.
Negotiations for the assimilation of Parkistan into the Imperial Commonwealth are the key talking points for this upcoming Summit; and all parties are well aware, that this Summit could very well be the make-it or break-it meeting between the two Governments and their respective Leaders.
While in the area of Parkistan, the Lord Imperator and His Associate will take part in a Fishing Excursion on the Mississipi River..weather permitting.
The two will depart latter on in the day, or in the early morning hours of tomorrow; with plans to return to the Imperium prior to the 4th of July, when the two will join with other Imperial Citizens and Subjects and a few of the Offically Invited Guest [ Friends ], to bear witness to the supervision and detonation of another [ I.E.D. ] 100 Mega-Stix Explosive Device.
Dante's language downgraded to dialect
8 years ago
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