Sunday, July 08, 2007

Imperium forms new Organization within the MOSS

-- Imperium News Servcie
The Imperial Government has established the new Security And Safety Organization / SASO which will be charged with the authorization of overseeing the security and the safety of all Imperium Citizens and Subjects, and Visitors [ tourist / customers ], and the personal properties of the above groups.

The SASO will be under the direct authority of the Ministry Of State Security / M.O.S.S.;
which is charged with the overall preservation of the peace of the People, by para-military means, either from offensive or a defensive operational orders.

The SASO will primarily operate from the role of a non-military stance, alerting People of a pending problem; such as: storms, fires, border penetrations, and any other issue that may result in death and/or damage to People and/or property.

The SASO will be held accountable for the new Civil Alert System / C.A.S.; which is comprised of various bullhorns [ air-horns ], field operated cellular communications, and several Storm Shelters within the Imperium; all of which are used in a....... "Collective and an Intergrated system of alerting and protecting People and property".

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