Monday, November 06, 2006

Lord Marshall Announces tentative Schedule for the 2007 Sate Opening of Parliament

The Lord Marshall, John Houston, has announced the tentative Schedule for the next State Opening of Parliament.

We anticipate opening Parliament on 12 June 2007, the Tuesday following Her Majesty's Official Birthday. At present we anticipate that the seating of the Common Guests will begin at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The location within our Capitol City of Pensacola has not yet been finalized, we are currently working with several venues.

The 'Program of Events' will remain basically unchanged for past Openings:

Seating of the Common Guests
Seating of the Guests of Honour
(This may include the those enrolled in the Honours system, as well as Officials from other Nations)
The Procession into Chambers (the Lord Marshall seats first the Members of the House of Commons, then the Lords, then escorts the Governor-General to the head of the Chamber).
The Pledge of Allegiance to Her Majesty
The Reading of the Throne Speech.
The Reading of the First Bill
The Motion to Adjourn (no debate today!).
The Blessing
The Grand Feast.
The the Presentation of Awards.
The Benediction
The Lord Marshall escorts the Governor-General from the Chamber.
The Lord Marshall informs those remaining that the Governor-General has left the Chamber, and that Parliament is released.

The Lord Marshall would not comment on those selected to offer the Blessing and Benediction prayers. Last year's Blessing of the Meal was offered by the High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. The Benediction was offered by the Governor-General.

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