Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Kingdom of Fergus Celebrates Anniversary
Historical highlights of the tiny kingdom's first year include:
*On March 31, the Kingdom annexed territory on the Arkansas River, designating it as the Queen's Tryst Protectorate. The protecorate's most prominent landmark was the legendary "Passion Tree" (also known informally as "Bennie's Tree"). The Passion Tree was destroyed during a recent ice storm. Queen's Tryst Protectorate is the only territory on which Fergusian military forces have ever been deployed. On several occasions during 2008, Queen Benelea repelled instruders from the protectorate.
*The establishment of a joint tenancy agreement between the monarch and Queen Mother Alberta, ensuring the control of the royal family over the Kingdom in perpetuity, was concluded. The agreement is celebrated as the first Fergusian national holiday on April 19.
*Owing in part to economic constraints, the Kingdom's issuance of government instruments has been very limited. To date, a Fergusian flag has been designed and produced and flies proudly over the royal palace. A prototype of the basic Fergusian monetary unit, the Davelar, has also been designed, but is not currently in circulation. The government hopes to issue passports, stamps, currency, and specie this year.
*On April 24, the monarch issued a dual citizenship proclamation. Under this arrangement, the Fergusian head of state filed with the Federal Election Commission as the first official transgendered U.S. presidential candidate. In the persona of Bennie Lee "Ben" Ferguson, the monarch continues to campaign for this office. (More information is to be found at: www.politicalgateway.ferg.com .)
*The Kingdom of Fergus has come to enjoy a cordial relationship with three other micronations in particular, those being the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of Cato Island, the Republic of Molossia, and the Dominion of British West Florida. During 2008, the Fergusian monarch engaged in extensive correspondence with the heads of state and government officials of these nations, including GLK administrator Jason Alexander, His Excellency President Kevin Baugh of Molossia, and the Marquess of Mobile. Additionally, the monarch's first face-to-face meeting with another micronationalist head of state occurred in November during a brief meeting with President Eli Avivi of Akhzivland as part of a royal tour of the Middle East and Europe.
*A staunch supporter of the American military, the Fergusian monarch was photographed in September inspecting Bradley fighting vehicles as a guest of the Kansas National Guard.
The Fergusian monarch expresses gratitude to all of those who have shown interest in and supported the Kingdom during its inaugural year. Much has yet to be accomplished, but Fergusians quote with pride their national motto "Dulcius Ex Asperis" ("Sweeter After Difficulties") and look forward to the Kingdom's second year.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
DBWF - Vikesland Teleconference Held
Many topics from the weather to crime to Government laws were spoken about while the conference was held. Shared experiences were discussed, as well as shared hopes for their respective peoples. Personal Liberties were at the core of many of the items of discussion.
HSH Prince Christopher I commented aftwards that it was "A first of many teleconferences to help solidify our friendship between our two nations."
The Governor-General echoed the sentiment stating that "In today's 'democracy by force' world, the Monarchies must work together for peace and stability. The Principality of Vikesland, is another example of constitutional monarchy, a very effective government, and a protector of the Liberty of the People"
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Vikesland - Molossia Summit Announced
On March 18, President Kevin Baugh of the Republic of Molossia, a micronation located in Nevada, announced that his country would hold its first ever international summit this June.
Grand Prince Christopher I and Princess Erin of the Principality of Vikesland, another micronation located in Canada, will be attending.
Besides the meeting itself, which is scheduled to take place in Molossia's capital city, Espera, President Baugh is to give them a tour of his country as well as the surrounding areas. He is looking forward to the event and hopes that it may "open the way to future visits between Molossia and the other small nations of the world."
The Republic of Molossia and Principality of Vikesland are not recognized by any major countries or international organizations. However, both are by other micronations.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Maundy Thursday at Armagh Cathedral

The history of the Maundy Service can be traced back to the 12th Century and there are continued records of the distribution having been made on Maundy Thursday from the reign of King Edward the First. During the service Her Majesty presented each man and woman with a red and white purse, traditionally the red purse contains an allowance for clothing and provisions and the white purse holds silver Maundy coins as many pence as the Sovereign has years of age.
The Very Rev Patrick Rooke, Dean of Armagh led the prayers. The first lesson John 13 verses 1-15 was read by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and Cardinal Sean Brady, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh read the second lesson, St Matthew’s 25 verses 31-46. The service was sung by the choir of St Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh and the choir of Her Majesty’s Chapels Royal.
Following the service Her Majesty walked the short distance to the Deanery and attended a reception hosted by the Lord Chamberlain’s office for those taking part in the planning and delivery of the Royal Maundy Service. Later Her Majesty was guest of honour at a lunch in the Robinson library in the Deanery hosted by the Most Rev Dr Alan Harper OBE, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. The historic visit by Her Majesty The Queen to the City of Armagh brought to a close three days of engagements in Northern Ireland.
Source: The Northern Ireland Office: http://www.nio.gov.uk/
Obituary: The Talented Mr. Minghella

To my complete surprise I found myself catering delicacies to the cast, friends, esteemed colleagues and noble thespians of ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley.’ Of course, the great British director Anthony Minghella was present, resplendent in glory and a thoroughly amiable chap I found him to be. Present also was Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Philip Seymour Hoffman, John Hurt, Cate Blanchett, Philip Baker Hall, Helena Bonham Carter, Kate Winslett and of course the delectable dame of London society, the delightful Madonna. That was a tremendous night, life often or sometimes throws us a chance glimpse into a starlit world, and thus I was there bedazzled with great wonder… happy to have been.
Then I recently learned that the Great Man, full of creative energy, distinguished reserve and of fine artistic craft passed away… shortly after a shoot in Botswana, Africa. Anthony Minghella was truly a fine director who captured the admiration and applause with such brilliant films as ‘Truly Madly Deeply’, ‘Mr Wonderful’, ‘The English Patient’, and ‘Cold Mountain.’ Anthony Minghella was born on the Isle of Wight in England 1954, and died in Charing Cross Hospital in London on the 18th March 2008. He is survived by his dear wife Carolyn Chao.
I thank Mr. Minghella for that one brief but memorable night for the glimpse into such immense talent, being allowed that time to walk amongst beautiful talented artists and receive some small part of inspiration. Thus I compose this elegy in his honour, that he might be remembered with fond recollections:
The magician’s illusion of life in captured dreams
Theatrical, on stage, delight in action, reeling frames.
A scythe swings in moment, matter, mind and time,
Caught in exposure, in flight, scene and light sublime.
This director cut short, swift edit, the shutter snap,
The end, the curtain, no sequel in an invisible trap.
We all then act out our passions, in script, line and verse,
Too true, a short season with no chance to rehearse.
The wake evokes man’s spirit; immortal words of sweet cheers,
Illumined shadows near and past reflected in sad tears.
All rights reserved: David John Drew Versificator Regis DBWF 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Imperium - Parkistan "War" Escalates
authority, with the primary purpose of directly confronting the three Leaders of the rogue regime of Parkistan.
The Leaders of P.R.O.G. and F.R.E.E. agreed to initiate their own assaults against Parkistan, as well as to escalate the Imperium's initatives, which up until today had been a declared "State of Silence"; but due to the fact that such action has produced no positive results, and with Parkistan's recent act, the Lord Imperator decided to withdraw the Imperium's benign
operations of silence, and allow P.R.O.G. and F.R.E.E. to take command and do the Imperium's biddings.
The Imperial Government's "Declaration of Silence" is now Officially and Formally rescinded; and leaves open the possibility that some form of *physical operations will soon be planned, ordered, and implemented. *"Physical Operations" to include, but not be limited to: "R & R operations"; which is the "Removal" of Parkistan's Official Flag from one of that government's official residences or offices, followed by the "Replacement" of one of the Official Flags of a member of the Imperial Commonwealth / IMPACT.
NOTE: "R&R" is a universally accepted "Rule of Micro Warfare", which has been reviewed and approved by Parkistan and the Commonwealth; and if this "Rule of War" is not abided by and respected to it's fullest, the Imperium will be forced to resort to additional tactics and operations which are used in "micro" warfare.
The "Parkistan War", as it has now been called, will be a long and drawn-out affair; which is due in part to the fact that there exist distances between Parkistan and the other members of the Imperial Commonwealth, with individual schedules and internal priorities being other issues of concern
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Elsanoran Minister Cancles Trip to Communist China
"The repression of the people of Tibet by the chinese army is an attack on the freedom and honor of the whole world", Minister Lüttich-DeKalb said on Sunday.
The Elsanoran Minister of Domestic Affairs also canceled a scheduled trip to China in protest. of the recent actions by the Communist Chinese. The trip had been planed for next September and would have included visits the main hospitals for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Peking.
A strongly worded diplomatic note was also to the Communist Chinese Ambassador to Germany (the Minister is Macronational Citizen of Germany).
St. Patrick's Day: The Irish Guards and an Old Tradition...

To commemorate the Irish Guards, St. Patrick's Day and to wish Major General Sir Sebastian Roberts good luck I have composed this poem:
Blooming cap-full of fresh shamrocks,
Mascot Fergal, sleek silver hound,
The Princess Royal on St. Patrick's
Regimental day, green pride found.
Quis Separabit, never divided,
Fine recruits for the Queen's shilling,
Erin's best, honour ever defended
Ulster warriors, always willing.
Good Micks have never retreated,
Bravery awards six V.C's
Calm in battle, never defeated,
Belfast boys march in the breeze.
A cathedral's bell still rings aloud
In Dublin on a cold March morn,
Saints, heroes, dead and proud
Spirits that rise with the dawn.
So the Irish have laurels of clover,
From pastures blessed by the sun
They remember the land as a lover,
Their ancestors keep watch on the dun.
All Rights Reserved: David John Drew/DBWF 2008.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Governor-General issues Statement on "Tibet Crises"
The Government of the Dominion of British West Florida calls upon the leadership of Communist China to address the concerns of the Tibetan people, and to immediately free those unlawfully detained as a result of the recent protest march.
We call upon the United Nations to demand that Communist China withdraw its occupational army from Tibet.
Actions like those committed by the occupational forces of Communist China on the 49th anniversary of the invasion of Tibet show the world that Communist China is not yet ready to join the civilized world.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Grand Prince Christopher I of Vikesland Announces Modified State Visit Plans
HSH announced that the State visit with President Baugh of Molossia in Nevada remained 'on' that he hoped to have micronations within reasonable driving distance come and visit with TSH the Grand Prince Princess and at their temporary embassy and campsite in Dayton state park (in Nevada).
The State Tour will then extend out into Northern Nebraska and up through the Dakotas. A major stop will happen in Sout Dakota in the Rushmore/Tombstone area. HSH extended a special invitation to the Imperium to come and drive out for the visit there.
Due to time and budget constraints the State Tour will not extend into California or Missouri like we hoped. We still hope to meet with Micronational leaders who can make it out.
Elsanoran Military Academy Adds Courses
Presided by the acting head of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Lord Lüttich, the new faculty opened its doors on March 13th, 2008. The faculty offers a wide field of courses on the Bachelor's level. All courses are distance learning courses monitored by well educated Professors.
More information may be had by visiting the Gustavus Adolphus Military Academy, or by contacting the Minister of Domestic Affairs, Dr., Lord Luttich, directly.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Earl of Rum (Grand Duke Eric I of Elsanor) Announces State Visit Plans
-- Elsanor
Representing Elsanor, the Grand Duke Eric (who is also, in the Dominion Peerage, the Earl of Rum) regularly makes official visits in Elsanor and abroad. He also receives heads of state and other foreign guests on official visits to Grand Duchy of Elsanor. This is one way in which he represents the Realm.
On March 20th, 2008, His Serene Highness will depart Elsanor for his second foreign visit of the year. His Serene Highness will fly out of New York and arrive in Paris, France on the 21st for a two day break before flying on to Venice, Italy. Once in Venice, the Grand Duke will travel overland via rail and bus to Slovenia. From there, he will embark on a 12 day cross country tour of Slovenia and Croatia.
His Serene Highness, the Grand Duke of Elasanor, Earl of Rum and of Traquair, will visit such antiquated and culturally-infused cities as Bled, Slovenia; Zagreb, Postojna, Lipica, Opatija, Split, Dubrovnik, and Korcula, Croatia.
While abroad, HSH, the Grand Duke will meet with locals, enjoy cultural and technical aspects of the two states, and observe local official's tending their daily duties.
HSH Grand Duke Eric I will return the 3rd of April. During his travel abroad, Vice Admiral, Lord Aubrey, Duke of Pierce will serve as administrator of Elsanor's daily affairs.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Lord Imperator, Ambassador of Goodwill, makes State Visit to Caribbean

After a formal request had been submitted by the Imperial Government, to the Captain of the Ship, limited special permission and authorization from the Captain of the I.S.S. Conquest* { Imperial Sea Ship Conquest } was granted to the Imperial Government; to allow for the presentation of the Official State Flags of the three micronations of Independent Long Island,
the Imperium of DeWaCo Estates, and the Dominion of British West Florida, at the top level of the Ship's Atrium located on Deck Eleven.
A heavy duty clear adhesive tape was eventually located, thereby allowing the three micronation's Cloths & Colors to be secured to the railing; were the three flags were Shown / Flown for a period of over one hour.
The Lord Imperator, along with several other Officials and Officers of the Imperial Government, answered questions presented by guest who were interested in the LifeStyle / Hobby / Dream of the Micronational Movement.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Elsanoran Navy Faces Fleet Reductions
Officials at Elsanor's defense ministry have put together proposals that would dramatically reduce the Royal Navy's fleet.
Citing details e-mailed to it by a source within the Ministry of Defense, the source reported that because of the projected lack of need for a blue water navy in what is projected to be a decade of low intensity conflicts, two warships and could be decommissioned from April.
The source told the PBN that the cuts would reduce the Royal Navy's capacity to just "one small-scale operation" per fiscal year.
According to the source, the Ministry of Finance's Comprehensive Spending Review, which allocated an annual increase in defense spending just of 1.5 percent above inflation, sparked rows between senior MoD officials and Minister of Finance Steven Chin.
In addition to that, commitments to expand the land forces at a total cost of four thousand dollars over the next 5 years forced the MoD to tighten its belt, the email said.
"The Finance Minister directed that no further money from the CSR would be allocated to defense and to maintain force levels the dept must find the savings/cuts," the source told the PBN.
"For the ERN, the CSR deal and the MoD's commitment to land based expansion is such that a proposal for the immediate decommissioning of five ships (two schooners and three tenders) from April this year has been considered.
"This would reduce the ERN's capabilities to just one small-scale operation and that is it."
The source also provided an internal MoD briefing paper that said that, assuming no further commissioning of ships, the combined size of the Royal Navy and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary could fall from its current level of 13 to 7 within 5 years.
Vice Admiral, Lord Aubrey dismissed the idea that the Royal Navy's capacity could fall by more than half, and said that documents such as those cited by PBN source were produced as a matter of routine.
Ships scheduled for decommissioning in FY 2008 include three from the Auxiliary Fleet (schooner HMES Jaguar, and lightwater crafts Sunfish and Sand Mite), and two from the ERN (HMES Fearless, and lightwater craft Islander, Elsanor's longest serving surface component).
The Most Honourable Police Officer Nicola Cotton, Hero of Justice
The Most Honourable Police Officer Nicola Cotton, Hero of Justice was shot and killed while attempting to arrest a rape suspect in a parking lot off of Earhart Boulevard.
As she attempted to put a handcuff on the man, who was twice her size, he pulled away and began to struggle. During the struggle she lost control of her radio, but was able to recover it and called for assistance. As the struggle continued the suspect gained control of Officer Cotton's baton, and struck her with it. He was then able to gain control of her duty weapon and shot her fifteen times.
Responding units arrived at the scene approximately two minutes after Officer Cotton was shot and located the suspect still holding her service weapon. He was taken into custody by the responding officers.
Officer Cotton had served with the New Orleans Police Department for two years and was eight weeks pregnant at the time of her murder.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Poet Laureate Appointed
The Poet Laureate, in addition to the traditional role of creating eulogies and tributes will contribute here at the Post, as well as on the Dominion's public form. He will also work with Her Majesty's government to promote our cause on the web and in print.
New Baron Created
The new Baron is the son of a native born citizen of the Dominion and graduated from Pensacola High School in 1944 before taking part in Word War Two on the side of the British Empire.
Sources tell the post that Baron Geier of Escambia is being considered for the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer.